Sexual abuse can leave a victim with long-term difficulties. Victims might experience psychological trauma that can impact their relationships, mental health, and productivity. You have the right to hold your abuser liable for the harm they’ve caused. A compassionate Santa Fe therapist sexual abuse lawyer at Egolf + Ferlic + Martinez + Cox, LLC, can help build a strong case and explain what you can gain by filing a claim.
If you were a victim of therapist sexual abuse, it’s important to report the incident right away and speak with a trusted attorney as soon as possible. For additional information or to schedule a consultation with a skilled attorney, please contact Egolf + Ferlic + Martinez + Cox, LLC, right away.
Therapist sexual abuse refers to any sexual misconduct a licensed therapist engages in with their client. This includes any inappropriate physical contact, sexual advances, or sexual relationship, even if the client gives consent. This behavior is illegal and unethical. If you or a family member has been a victim of sexual abuse at the hands of a therapist, it’s important to report the abuse right away.
In New Mexico, you can file a civil case for your financial damages if you or a family member has been a victim of therapist sexual abuse. The claim can also be against additional parties other than just the accused therapist, such as if they’re part of a company providing therapy services. An attorney can help decide which parties might be liable for the abuse, depending on the circumstances of your own unique case.
The evidence you use to support your therapist sexual abuse claim must show it is more likely than not that your therapist sexually abused you (or a family member). There are various types of admissible evidence, including:
An experienced attorney familiar with therapist sexual abuse cases can help investigate your case and explore all possible admissible evidence. An attorney can also present your case with strong supporting evidence and help you receive full and fair financial compensation from all potentially liable parties.
Potential damages you can recover from a civil claim for sexual abuse by a therapist can include:
In New Mexico, the statute of limitations for an adult sexual assault case is three years after the date of the sexual assault. While it might seem like a long time, it’s important to report a sexual assault incident right away to preserve important evidence. Consult a trusted Santa Fe attorney at Egolf + Ferlic + Martinez + Cox, LLC, to ensure you meet the filing deadline for your case.
The amount of time it might take to settle a therapist sexual abuse case varies. Such cases can take anywhere from a few months to a few years to settle, as the time frame depends on the case complexity, the sensitive nature of the allegations, the ability of the parties to reach a settlement, and the experience level of your attorney. An experienced therapist sexual abuse attorney can explain your legal options and a possible timeline for your case.
There are several different types of recovery a victim of therapist sexual abuse can recover in New Mexico, including compensation for emotional distress, pain and suffering, and more. They may also be able to recover the costs of therapy, counseling, and other beneficial treatments. A knowledgeable Santa Fe attorney can help protect your rights, explain your legal options, and discuss how to pursue a claim for therapist sexual abuse.
An attorney building a strong case against a therapist for sexual abuse may consider using a combination of evidence, which could include victim testimony, therapy notes/records, communications between the parties, prior complaints, physical evidence of abuse, and any other evidence to support the abuse allegations.
Due to the complex nature of proving this type of case, it’s important to consult an experienced victim abuse attorney who can help build a strong case on your behalf.
We routinely fight for the rights of victims of therapist sexual assault. A compassionate attorney at Egolf + Ferlic + Martinez + Cox, LLC, can help right away and provide a safe, confidential space for you to talk. If you need help as a sexual assault survivor, we are here to listen and provide reliable legal assistance.
We can investigate your incident and help hold your abuser accountable. To schedule a consultation with our team, contact Egolf + Ferlic + Martinez + Cox, LLC, right away.
Egolf + Ferlic + Martinez + Cox, LLC, is fiercely dedicated to maximizing our client’s compensation for injuries or the death of a loved one. We are ready to fight for your rights until you get the compensation you deserve. To schedule a consultation, call 505-986-9641 or complete our simple online form.
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