How do we protect our aquifers? Action taken in La Cienega, a nearby community, is the subject of the free talk at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 27 at Los Alamos Nature Center.
Kyle Harwood, water attorney and La Cienega resident, will share the challenges facing his community along with their efforts to protect their aquifers.
As desert residents, water is a precious resource. Nearby, the La Cienega region is already seeing diminishing flow from their local springs. They are not alone. Stories of wells and springs running dry can be found throughout New Mexico’s history. The main question remains. What can we do? Harwood and La Cienega residents are answering that question and taking the future of their water supply into their own hands.
Kyle Harwood has advised clients on land and water law regulation and policy issues throughout New Mexico. He litigates these issues in courts throughout the state. In addition, Harwood has authored numerous articles on water resource issues and lectured on land use and water law.
The talk, provided by the Pajarito Environmental Education Center (PEEC), is at the Los Alamos Nature Center at 2600 Canyon Road. It is free to attend, and no registration is required. For more information about this and other PEEC programs, visit, email or call 505-986-9641
Read more via Los Alamos Daily Post
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