Ferlic represents patient sexually assaulted at Christus St. Vincent

Kate Ferlic is representing sexual assault victim Jill McLaughlin in a lawsuit against Christus St. Vincent. McLaughlin was a patient at St. Vincent in September 2019 for a neck procedure where she was numbed from the neck down to her arms while being conscious. The suit states McLaughlin was strapped face down on a surgical table and was unable to move her arms or her head. After the 45 minute procedure, McLaughlin was left alone with a male whom placed her hand on his genitals and began rubbing.

McLaughlin filed a complaint with Christus St. Vincent and a report with the Santa Fe Police Department after the incident. Christus St. Vincent has not responded to McLaughlin since September and is being sued for violating the Human Rights Act.

Read more via Albuquerque Journal

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