A 32-year-old woman whose husband was fatally shot by a Santa Fe police officer in September is suing the city, accusing police of wrongfully causing his death. Lili Gordon’s lawsuit accuses officers of excessive use of force, negligence, and sex or gender identity discrimination, according…
The morning of July 16, 2022, four first responders with the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office air support unit climbed aboard what lawsuits describe as a death trap. The three crew members who accompanied the pilot, Undersheriff Larry Koren, may not have noticed the sheriff’s helicopter’s…
Neglect that leads to the death of a loved one is a devastating and life-altering experience. When neglect results in a wrongful death case in New Mexico, families have the right to pursue justice and hold the responsible parties accountable. These claims can arise from…
Those harmed by others may have the right to take action and legal court. In New Mexico, statutes allow for personal injury lawsuits when one party hurts someone else. Wrongful death lawsuits are an important subset of basic personal injury lawsuits. A wrongful death lawsuit…
Those who have recently lost a loved one due to another’s actions or inactions are often eager to pursue justice. They may expect that New Mexico prosecutors will file charges against the individual or business executives directly responsible for their loss. They may then feel…
The death of a loved one under any circumstance is never easy. This loss becomes more complicated when you learn that your loved one’s death is attributable to someone’s wrongful actions. If you lose a loved one following another person or entity’s wrongful actions, you…
The idea of going to court after a loved one dies can be distasteful, but it may be the only way to hold a business or individual responsible for what they have done to your family. All too often, the party who causes a fatal…
Learning that a loved one died in a tragic automobile crash is a life-changing experience. There are a lot of things that you have to think about when this happens. One of these is how you will cover the final expenses for the person. While…
Wrongful death cases are different than some, because the burden of proof falls on the plaintiff. That means that if you want to bring the case against someone, you will need to build a strong case to prove that they caused your loved one’s death.…
Losing a loved one unexpectedly is a tragic and life-changing experience. The grief that you feel may be immense, especially if the tragedy occurred during a disagreement or a low point in your relationship with the other person. Your entire family will also need to…
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