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Ultra Heath attorney Brian Egolf concerned about medical marijuana plant restrictions

Ultra Health attorney Brian Egolf spoke to the Santa Fe Reporter about the medical marijuana industry in New Mexico regarding the restrictions of growing, selling, and dispensing of cannabis, which he feels may lead card holders to the black market. “I think it’s very clear…

Ferlic sues Taxation and Revenue Department on behalf of Ultra Heath

Ultra Health, New Mexico’s largest producer of medical marijuana, is suing the Taxation and Revenue Department for 1.54 million in collected gross receipts tax plus attorneys fees. In the lawsuit, Ultra Health is seeking medical cannabis to be treated as medicine which is exempt from…

Egolf represents Ultra Health in lawsuit against NM Health Department

Attorney Brian Egolf filed a lawsuit against New Mexico Health Department on behalf of Ultra Health, the state’s largest producer and retailer of medical cannabis. The lawsuit questions the validity of the Health Department’s Medical Cannabis Program having the authority to license manufacturers of medical…

Alamo Creek Conservation to lease La Bajada Ranch

Santa Fe County approved the lease of 318 acres of the property La Bajada Ranch to Alamo Creek Conservation, owned by Frank Mancuso, Jr. Attorney Kate Ferlic told the Santa Fe New Mexico the plan for the community farm remains the same for the land.…

Judge rules in favor of Ultra Health

A state district judge ruled in favor of Egolf + Ferlic + Martinez + Cox, LLC client Top Organics-Ultra Heath, denying the five day closure ordered by the Department of Health. Judge Thompson wrote the imposed penalty was “one thousand times” more than allowed under…

Egolf represents NM medical cannabis producer in court

New Mexico Top Organics-Ultra Health’s attorney Attorney Brian Egolf was in court Monday arguing against a sanction from the Department of Health (DOH). The medical cannabis producer was slapped by the DOH with an order to shut down business for 5 days between April 17…

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