Author Archives: Brian Egolf

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Burden of proof and your wrongful death case

Wrongful death cases are different than some, because the burden of proof falls on the plaintiff. That means that if you want to bring the case against someone, you will need to build a strong case to prove that they caused your loved one’s death.…

Types of TBIs you may experience in an accident

In an accident, you may experience several types of injuries. One of the most serious is a traumatic brain injury or TBI. There are two ways that TBIs occur in an accident. These are described below. Closed brain injury A closed brain injury can occur…

3 financial questions to ask when you’re getting divorced

People who are ready to end a marriage will likely want to just be completely done with each other – but it’s never quite as easy as that. There are numerous financial issues that have to be settled before you can part. Making sure that…

Living with a brain injury after a serious car accident

After you’re involved in a serious auto accident, you may have a serious brain injury. A brain injury can come in many forms. Some are bad enough to force you to relearn to speak, walk or interact with others. Other types are milder in terms…

Why is it dangerous to drive home after a car crash?

You might want to get on with your day as soon as possible if you are in a vehicle collision, A quick check of yourself and your vehicle may suggest that you are fine to drive on. There are several reasons why this is inadvisable:…

Make sure your divorce meets your needs

Deciding that you need to get a divorce is a major life change, and it’s one that you must ensure you handle properly. Mistakes during the divorce process can lead to you having to deal with negative effects. Because of this, it’s always best to…

Injuries to the face: Devastating injuries from auto collisions

Any time someone is in an auto accident, there is a risk that they could suffer from injuries to their face. There is an airbag that could hit them in the face, or there could be debris around that might cause lacerations or impaling wounds. Between…

When do you qualify for pain and suffering after a car accident?

Some car accidents are relatively minor, leaving those involved with few or no injuries. In a severe crash, most victims are not so lucky. Many suffer from brain injuries or spinal cord damage, potentially affecting then for the rest of their lives. You probably know…

3 ways a car crash injury can impact your earning potential

Whether you just want to file an insurance claim or intend to file a civil lawsuit against the other driver, you need to understand what a car crash will cost you. One of the ways people underestimate the impact of a crash on their lives…

How to make divorce amicable: 2 tips for divorcing couples

When you meet the love of your life and get married, you hope your union will last a lifetime. Unfortunately, some marriages never last so long. As a result, one or both parties may resolve to dissolve the marriage. But how do you make the…

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