People often have an unnecessarily narrow internal definition of sexual harassment. They imagine a man in a managerial position misusing his authority to take advantage of or bully a woman in a subordinate position. That is certainly one of the more common sexual harassment scenarios,…
The death of a loved one under any circumstance is never easy. This loss becomes more complicated when you learn that your loved one’s death is attributable to someone’s wrongful actions. If you lose a loved one following another person or entity’s wrongful actions, you…
When parents divorce or separate, it is essential to have a plan in place for co-parenting. A successful co-parenting plan can help provide stability and support for children during this difficult time. It can also help reduce conflict between the parents and make communication much…
Divorce will almost certainly impact the relationship that you have with your children. You will typically spend less time with them than you did before, as they will alternate between households after the divorce. Shared custody allows both parents to spend time with the children…
The injuries you suffer from a car crash can profoundly impact your life. You may be out of work for months or years. In some cases, it could mean the end of your career. Beyond that, your relationships with close friends and families may never…
Whether you’re either contemplating divorce or have already decided that moving on from your marriage is the healthiest way forward, it’s time to start thinking about dividing your marital property. Being as proactive as you can about this process will better ensure that you don’t…
Sexual harassment is a major issue in modern work environments. There are some people who treat coworkers or subordinates differently based on their sex. There are many other people who will make a coworker feel very uncomfortable or will intentionally create a hostile work environment…
The idea of going to court after a loved one dies can be distasteful, but it may be the only way to hold a business or individual responsible for what they have done to your family. All too often, the party who causes a fatal…
Doing what’s best for your children is often difficult if you’re going through a divorce. The smaller they are, the harder the custody and visitation decisions can be. Making plans for an infant in a child custody case is challenging because they have vastly different…
Spinal cord injuries are among the most feared and severe injuries that can occur in a car crash, a fall or another serious accident. The people with such injuries will require trauma care and ongoing medical support, and their lives will change substantially. Medical doctors…
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