Author Archives: Brian Egolf

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Tony Stanford Former LANL Emergency Division Leader faces assault, battery charges

Tony Stanford, formerly the Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Emergency Operations division leader, was charged with two counts each of assault and battery Monday. Attorney Kate Ferlic, who is representing the woman along with attorney John Day of Santa Fe, said, “To demonstrate the severity of…

Do I look guilty to you?

New Mexico’s grand jury system overwhelmingly produces indictments. Imagine, for a moment, that it’s a chilly December night, and a pretty young brunette has come to your apartment. Your courtship of her began when you were picking up a paycheck and told her you had…

Jurors dismiss ‘shaken baby’ case amid medical skepticism

Staff Report A Questa man is free after grand jurors chose not to indict him late last month on charges of child abuse amid doctors’ accusations that he shook his infant son in May. Damian Stow, 19, has been cleared of the single child abuse…

Elderly couple sues Bishops Lodge after fall

An elderly Santa Fe couple, Erlinda and Freddie Herrara has sued Bishops Lodge Ranch, Resort and Spa, saying they were both injured when they fell down a steep hill at the resort after they were “abandoned” by employees. read more via Albuquerque Journal

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