Author Archives: Brian Egolf

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Judge nixes NM agency’s rule for medical marijuana card

A victory for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder patients in New Mexico applying for a medical marijuana card. State District Judge David Thomson ruled that the New Mexico Department of Health cannot require additional documentation proving PTSD patients “exhausted standard treatment”. Dr. Carola Kieve’s lawyer, Brian…

Tai Chan’s attorney John Day speaks to KOAT

Tai Chan’s attorney John Day spoke with KOAT regarding the judge’s decision to not release Jeremy Martin’s personnel files.“We believe that the secret files that contain medical information and background information on Jeremy Martin are still relevant and it’s material that we’re entitled to,” Day…

Defense attorney John Day respectfully disagrees with judge’s decision

A Las Cruces judge denied the release of slain Santa Fe officer Jeremy Martin’s personal records. Tai Chan’s defense attorney John Day responded by stating, “We respectfully disagree with Judge Macias’ opinion.” “There’s a reason why Santa Fe County has spent thousands of dollars in…

Hollywood producer in talks to lease-purchase La Bajada Ranch

Hollywood producer, Frank Mancuso, Jr., is in talks to lease-purchase Santa Fe County owned La Bajada Ranch. Mancuso Jr.’s attorney, Kyle Harwood, said the plan is to “preserve the property and to do a community farm, which we think would be an incubator for agricultural…

Carola Kieve files Medical Marijuana lawsuit against NM Department of Health

Dr. Carola Kieve filed a lawsuit against the New Mexico Department of Health. The lawsuit claims the department of health is demanding extra documentation for Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD)patients to receive their medical marijuana card. Her attorney, Brian Egolf, argued that the department abuse…

Tai Chan self defense evidence

Watch criminal defense lawyer John Day speak to KOAT Action 7 News regarding the new Tai Chan self defense evidence. DNA tests confirmed Tai Chan’s blood on the stained sheets. Watch the interview here via KOAT

Defense lawyer: New evidence supports Chan’s self-defense claim

Tai Chan’s attorney John Day entered two photos of blood stained sheets as evidence in a court filing in Las Cruces. The sheets were from the room that Jeremy Martin an Chan shared at Hotel Encanto. DNA tests results confirmed the blood on the sheets…

Significant payout in Espanola foam ball suit

“It’s a foam football that accidentally hit a police car and our investigation showed this was a police officer who never should have been hired in the first place,” said Santa Fe attorney John Day, who represented the Tapia family. “He (former Espanola officer John…

Former Corrections worker files whistleblower suit

Catherine Johnson, a former New Mexico Department of Corrections employee, filed a lawsuit under the Whistleblower Protection Act, claiming she was fired in retaliation to asking why former Director of Recidivism Reduction David Huertas, hired the for profit educational firm, Pearson VUE. Read more via…

Prison educator’s suit alleges unjustified dismissal

A whistle blower lawsuit was filed today by attorney Kate Ferlic on behalf of former New Mexico Department of Corrections educator Catherine Johnson. Johnson was terminated in April 2013 after questioning the decision of hiring the education testing firm Pearson VUE in November 2012. Pearson…

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