Author Archives: Brian Egolf

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How can you quantify the expenses caused by disfigurement?

For most people, severe injuries are wounds that affect mobility and function. Amputation or spinal cord injuries may seem severe, while flesh wounds may not seem nearly so concerning. Modern trauma care has reached a point where people can survive truly horrific accidents that could…

How quid pro quo sexual harassment can hurt your career

Sexual harassment is a problem for numerous reasons. It limits the access of certain individuals to high-paid and competitive professions. It also affects that individual’s career development and trajectory. Someone experiencing a hostile work environment might have a difficult time progressing to the next stage…

Are you at risk of PTSD after a crash?

The injuries caused by a vehicle crash can be more than physical. Almost 40% of people who survive a crash develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). In fact, they’re the leading cause of PTSD. Whether a person…

How common are comas after car crashes?

Comas are a medical condition where a patient is in a prolonged state of unconsciousness. They can be caused by traumatic injuries, a stroke or other brain injuries. This is a medical emergency because action has to be taken to reduce swelling and improve circulation…

3 safety tips when sharing the road with large trucks

Trucks and larger commercial vehicles can be a formidable presence on the road. Generally, all other road users will be operating significantly smaller means of transportation. As a result, a collision with a truck can have catastrophic consequences. However, there are steps that road users…

3 ways a traumatic brain injury can affect your family finances

The human brain is an incredible organ that manages everything from your sleep schedule and body temperature to your personality. If someone suffers a traumatic brain injury (TBI), they could develop a wide array of symptoms. Exactly how a TBI presents will depend on the…

Would a CDFA be a valuable addition to your divorce team?

Divorce is a highly emotional process, but at its core, it’s a financial one. You have to determine how to divide significant and/or complex assets at a time when you may not be thinking clearly. You may be consumed by anger, resentment, fear and jealousy…

What are the effects of amputation on your life?

Some accidents may so severely injuries your limbs that doctors cannot save them. In that case, amputation may be the only option. An amputation can have far-reaching consequences. It might save your life, yes, but there are some physical and emotional effects you may have…

Co-parenting properly helps children

Children whose parents are going through a divorce have to deal with some major life changes. It’s up to the parents to ensure that the children have what they need as they make this adjustment. There are several things that these adults can do to…

Leg injuries in a crash may seriously impact your life

In automobile accidents, it’s possible to severely injure your legs. These injuries are particularly common in front-end collisions and side collisions where the driver is almost directly impacted. Crushing injuries from the front end pushing in or damage from debris could both lead to serious,…

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