Author Archives: Brian Egolf

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Who can support you through a divorce?

Few things in life are solo affairs, and divorce is no exception. Gaining single status will require a whole support teamto get you there. As soon as the decision to divorce is made, you need to think about who you need on your team. Tread…

Is driver fatigue excusable in a crash?

People often talk about vehicle crashes as accidents. Yet, if you are injured in a car crash and need to claim compensation, you cannot afford to see things this way. Instead, you need to look at fault. You need to gather evidence to show why…

What are the 2 main kinds of workplace sexual harassment?

Every case of sexual harassment is unique. Behaviors that offend one person might not bother another at all, and industries lend themselves to different sorts of workplace misconduct. Since there’s such a broad range of behavior that make constitute sexual harassment, some people find it…

Helping your teen recover emotionally after their first crash

Approximately one-fifth of all teen drivers are involved in a crash during their first year of driving. If yours was one of them, you’re understandably most concerned with their physical injuries and helping them recover. Teens can often experience emotional issues as well after a…

What trucking safety regulations will affect your case

The trucking industry is subject to federal and state laws for safety reasons. Given the size and weight of trucks compared to standard vehicles, accidents can result in catastrophic injuries, which is why drivers and trucking companies are required to adhere to these regulations. If…

What can you ask for in a New Mexico wrongful death claim?

If another person or a business causes the death of your family member, you will want justice. In some scenarios, the state of New Mexico May prosecute the responsible party. A conviction for drunk driving or a similar offense may give you some closure, but…

Is your child acting strangely toward you after your divorce?

Emotions can run high in a divorce, especially if children are involved. Sometimes one parent can try to turn a child against the other parent. They may do it out of spite or to gain a greater share of custody. If you notice your child…

Spinal dislocations may lead to spinal cord injuries

Spinal dislocations happen when the ligaments around the spinal column are torn or stretched abnormally. This can result in the spine moving out of position. The vertebrae may lock over each other, which then could cause pressure on the spinal cord. If this kind of…

Postnuptial agreements can benefit both marriage and divorce

A postnuptial agreement functions like a prenuptial agreement. The only real difference is when the two parties signed the document. For example, couples enter into prenuptial agreements before they get married. When they want the benefits of a prenup but are already married, they can…

Help your children deal with the changes that come with divorce

Parents who are divorcing may become focused on the practical side of the situation. Things like property division and the legal process are often the most important to them. They need to ensure that they’re helping the children during this process because the kids are…

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