Yearly Archives: 2023

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Life events that can lead to a divorce

Divorce is often inspired by a single event. The most common example of this is an extramarital affair. When the other partner learns about the affair, there’s a very good chance that they are going to file for divorce, even if they did not previously…

Recent New Mexico whistleblower case leads to $340,000 settlement

It takes courage to stand up to your employer when something is not right. Whistleblower cases often come about when guidelines are ignored, clear violations take place and employee concerns rejected. In the most egregious cases, those alarmed employees even lose their jobs. Such scenarios…

2 rules for living with your spouse during divorce

Navigating a divorce is overwhelming on all levels – financially, emotionally and even spiritually. Once you have resolved to end your marriage, you will have an additional number of hard decisions to make. One of these is whether you should continue living together while working…

Who is at fault in a New Mexico rear-end crash?

Most car wrecks are completely preventable. In fact, studies show that well over 90 percent of car accidents are at least in part attributable to human error. When a road user’s reckless or unlawful intentions lead to an accident, they are deemed to be at…

Sexual harassment remains pervasive in and out of the workplace

Despite significantly improved awareness of hostile work environments, sexual harassment continues to plague employees. Detailed and strongly worded policies can make a difference in employee relations, workplace dynamics, and a company’s image and reputation. Alarming stats Statistics reveal that 54 percent of women have experienced…

A dangerous trend in fatal car accidents

There’s been an interesting trend in fatal car accidents lately. To start with, historical context is important. There was an initial rise in fatal accidents as cars became more popular, but it began to drop in the 1970s. That’s when many safety standards were implemented,…

Is same-sex workplace sexual harassment against the law?

People often have an unnecessarily narrow internal definition of sexual harassment. They imagine a man in a managerial position misusing his authority to take advantage of or bully a woman in a subordinate position. That is certainly one of the more common sexual harassment scenarios,…

When can you file a wrongful death claim?

The death of a loved one under any circumstance is never easy. This loss becomes more complicated when you learn that your loved one’s death is attributable to someone’s wrongful actions. If you lose a loved one following another person or entity’s wrongful actions, you…

The importance of a successful co-parenting plan

When parents divorce or separate, it is essential to have a plan in place for co-parenting. A successful co-parenting plan can help provide stability and support for children during this difficult time. It can also help reduce conflict between the parents and make communication much…

Can your child choose where to live in your custody case?

Divorce will almost certainly impact the relationship that you have with your children. You will typically spend less time with them than you did before, as they will alternate between households after the divorce. Shared custody allows both parents to spend time with the children…

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