Albuquerque Surgical Error Lawyer

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Albuquerque Surgical Error Lawyer

Albuquerque Surgical Error Lawyer Attorney

It’s entirely reasonable to expect your healthcare provider to perform a surgical procedure without error. However, sometimes, a lapse in judgment or medical negligence can occur, which can result in serious injuries with catastrophic consequences for patients and their loved ones. If you need help holding a surgeon or healthcare provider accountable for the harm they’ve caused, an experienced Albuquerque surgical error lawyer can help you seek justice.

At Egolf + Ferlic + Martinez + Cox, LLC, we can advocate for your rights. We have a proven track record of successfully handling surgical error cases for prior clients. We can investigate your case, gather compelling evidence to support your claim, and pursue the financial recovery you deserve. We routinely assist clients with holding negligent healthcare providers accountable.

What Is a Surgical Error?

Surgical errors are a type of medical malpractice. Surgical errors are preventable errors that typically occur during a surgical procedure, resulting in harm or injuries to the patient. Surgical errors include:

  • Performing an unnecessary surgery
  • Failing to address surgical complications promptly
  • Damaging tissue surrounding the surgical site
  • Operating on the wrong body part
  • Leaving surgical instruments inside a patient
  • Leaving a patient with nerve damage
  • Performing surgery on the wrong patient
  • Anesthesia errors
  • Medication mismanagement
  • Performing a surgery using unsanitary instruments
  • Injuries at birth to a mother and her baby
  • Substandard practices where post-surgical infections occur due to negligence

This is not a complete list of possible surgical errors. Mistakes can happen as a result of poor preoperative planning, healthcare provider fatigue, or failure to follow accepted medical practices. Surgical errors can have long-term effects and can sometimes lead to a loss of life. Surgical errors and medical malpractice can be further discussed with a knowledgeable Albuquerque attorney.

How Can I Prove a Surgical Error Occurred?

A surgery may qualify as medical malpractice if the surgical harm was caused by medical negligence; however, not all substandard or unexpected surgical outcomes can be considered medical malpractice. To prove your claim, you must prove the healthcare provider’s actions deviated from the acceptable standard of care, directly caused harm to the patient, and the patient suffered measurable damages.

In short, you must prove that the healthcare professional’s negligence related to the surgery is what caused your harm.

A well-informed medical malpractice attorney can gather evidence to support your claim for compensation for medical bills, wage loss, and pain and suffering damages. Financial damages are intended to cover the financial impact of surgical errors. An attorney can help you pursue all types of available recovery for your claim, which can help ease the burdens that the surgical error caused and help you gain emotional closure from the surgical incident.

Do I Need Legal Representation for My Surgical Error Claim?

Skilled legal representation is crucial for a surgical error claim, as it can be quite complicated and requires knowledge of medical principles and legal procedures to build a compelling case. A medical malpractice attorney can help with a surgical error case by:

  • Gathering important evidence
  • Consulting with any necessary medical experts
  • Determining all parties responsible for the surgical error
  • Negotiating your claim on your behalf with other involved parties and insurance companies
  • Providing skilled advocacy to protect your rights
  • Making sure you receive full and fair compensation for your surgical error damages
  • Allowing you to focus on your recovery while pursuing justice on your behalf

An attorney can provide invaluable help during the challenging time following a surgical error. At Egolf + Ferlic + Martinez + Cox, LLC, we can provide trusted legal counsel and compassionate support throughout your case.


How Do You Prove a Surgical Error Occurred in Albuquerque, NM?

To prove a surgical error occurred in Albuquerque, you need to show you had a doctor-patient relationship with a healthcare provider, they deviated from the accepted standard of care for their field, which led to a surgical error, and the error caused you harm and resulted in damages. A surgical error attorney can review your specific surgical incident and determine your likelihood of success in proving your case.

What Are Some Types of Surgical Errors That Happen in Albuquerque?

Some common types of surgical errors that have happened in Albuquerque include operating on the wrong surgical site, leaving instruments inside a patient, nerve damage, performing an incorrect surgery, anesthesia errors, unnecessary surgery, using unsanitary instruments, failing to follow accepted surgical practices, and infections occurring post-operation.

Inadequate surgeries and surgical errors by healthcare providers can be further discussed with a knowledgeable attorney in Albuquerque.

What Evidence Can Be Used to Prove a Surgical Error?

A variety of evidence can be used to prove a surgical error occurred, including medical records, surgical notes, diagnostic images, anesthesiologist records, witness statements, photos or videos from your procedure, professional witness reports and testimony, and other documentation to show your provider deviated from the accepted standard of care.

An experienced Albuquerque surgical error attorney at Egolf + Ferlic + Martinez + Cox, LLC, can discuss all of the potential evidence that can be used in your case.

How Long Do I Have to File a Claim for Surgical Malpractice in Albuquerque, NM?

In New Mexico, a patient has three years from the date of a surgical error to file a claim for medical malpractice with a surgical error component. Exceptions exist for minors. An experienced medical malpractice attorney familiar with surgical error cases can help explain the time frame for filing your case, ensure you meet all filing deadlines, and protect your legal right to pursue compensation.

Contact Egolf + Ferlic + Martinez + Cox, LLC, Today

The compassionate team at Egolf + Ferlic + Martinez + Cox, LLC, understands a surgical error can have a catastrophic impact. If you or a family member has been harmed by a healthcare provider’s surgical error, we can help you explore your legal options. We help our clients hold healthcare providers accountable for their negligence and get full and fair compensation for their recovery.

Contact our Albuquerque office today to schedule a surgical error consultation with our team.

Contact Us

Egolf + Ferlic + Martinez + Cox, LLC, is fiercely dedicated to maximizing our client’s compensation for injuries or the death of a loved one. We are ready to fight for your rights until you get the compensation you deserve. To schedule a consultation, call 505-986-9641 or complete our simple online form.

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